Things to Consider Before Buying Digital Shelf Labels

Are you considering buying digital shelf labels? You’ve taken a step in the right path since digital labels may help your retail business operate more efficiently and profitably. Many companies, especially big merchants, are already employing ESLs, and they have nothing but good things to say about them. It is an investment you will not be sorry for.

There are a number of considerations you should ask yourself before investing in digital shelf labels. The first one is if the ESL system you are choosing can send acknowledgements of price changes. In order to ensure pricing integrity in your retail business, the ESL device installed in your store should be able to receive and send data. If the pricing changes communicated to the ESL are received and published on the device, your company’s headquarters will want to know. If you purchase an ESL system without a two-way capability, you will be vulnerable to price integrity difficulties and, in the worst-case scenario, compliance issues.

You should also consider whether the ESL system can handle huge volumes of pricing adjustments before investing in digital shelf labels. If your store network is large or you make multiple pricing changes in a short period of time, the speed of transmission for your ESL system is a very crucial factor. ESLs have a wide range of transmission rates, ranging from 1,000 to hundreds of thousands of changes per hour. You must ensure that the vendor with whom you will engage is capable of handling the volumes required by your store.

For more information on the Digital shelf label, visit our website at

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