Benefits Of Electronic Warehouse Shelf Labels

If you are not using electronic shelf labels in your warehouse yet, it is about time you gave this technology a try. Printed product labels are slowly being replaced by ESLs which use e-ink to display prices and are connected to a computer database. The electronic warehouse shelf labels can display a whole lot more than just the price, and they can also integrate with other modern retail devices.

So how exactly will you benefit from using the electronic shelf labels? First of all, these labels will show more information apart from the price. They can also be used for displaying additional product information, size, nutritional facts, stock remaining as well as price per weight. You can either add this information to the main label itself or you can print a QR code that will be used to access additional information through your store’s website or app. Additional QR code marketing can be of great help when it comes to promotions and sales.

Another benefit of using electronic warehouse shelf labels is that they can be used to track customer movements and patterns. You can easily install movement sensors in each electronic shelf tag at a relatively low cost. The sensors can be used for tracking all customer movement as well as traffic around your store, something that will provide a virtual heat map of your retail area.

When you understand your in-store traffic in detail, it can help with product placement, aisle layout, promotional areas and display, and so on. Moreover, you can see how many people passed by a given product but did not purchase it. In case there is a slow moving product in a high traffic area, you may need to switch it out or change its price.

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