Improve Your Storage Unit Business Using Digital Labels

Staying in the warehouse business may seem easy, but staying ahead of the competition in a rapidly growing industry, and providing superior customer service is essential Self-storage is a growing industry in the United States with nearly 10% growth over the past decade to $58.26 billion by 2023; The global market size for rupees, isContinue reading “Improve Your Storage Unit Business Using Digital Labels”

Why Use Smart Price Tags for Consumer Electronics?

Using smart price tags, like the Newton digital labels from SOLUM, can significantly benefit consumer electronic retail stores in several ways. Here are some key reasons backed by testimonials from retailers who have embraced this technology: Enhanced Customer Experience: Smart price tags improve the customer experience by providing clear and accurate product information. Retailers suchContinue reading “Why Use Smart Price Tags for Consumer Electronics?”

Warehouse Management Problems and Their Solutions

Efficiency is the name of the game when it comes to successful warehouse operations. Inefficient processes can lead to increased costs and tied-up capital, which can be detrimental to a business’s profitability. Let’s explore some common warehouse challenges and practical solutions to overcome them. Challenge 1: Inefficiency Costs Money Inefficiency in your warehouse can compoundContinue reading “Warehouse Management Problems and Their Solutions”

Improving Customer Engagement Today

Maintaining strong customer relationships is paramount to success in business. Customer engagement, a term defined as developing strong, long-term relationships with customers, plays an important role in driving sales and loyalty Customer engagement, customer service, and customer experience are interrelated concepts. Customer involvement creates a willingness to keep the product, while customer service includes helpContinue reading “Improving Customer Engagement Today”

Reducing Food Waste with IoT

In our increasingly data-driven world, industries like retail rely heavily on data to enhance customer experiences and build loyalty. The vast amount of information generated can be overwhelming for humans to manage effectively. This is where the Internet of Things (IoT) steps in, offering a more seamless solution. IoT, or the “Internet of Things,” comprisesContinue reading “Reducing Food Waste with IoT”

Recipe for Your Cafe and Bakery Success

Streamlining the day-to-day operations of your coffee shop or bakery can be a daunting task, but fear not – Newton ESL solution are here to revolutionize the way you do business. Whether you’re serving up steaming cups of coffee or freshly baked goods, these innovative digital label solutions are designed to make your entrepreneurial journeyContinue reading “Recipe for Your Cafe and Bakery Success”

Why SOLUM Is the Ideal Electronic Shelf Labels Partner

#We have the experienceAs a Samsung spin-off company, SOLUM’s technical excellence combined with proven product quality enables us to be the leading ESL solutions provider. Ever since we started as Samsung Electro-Mechanics in 1973, we successfully built our ESL business with our manufacturing facilities, which was made possible by our Core IC design.  #We haveContinue reading “Why SOLUM Is the Ideal Electronic Shelf Labels Partner”

Solum Smart Lighting Solutions

LED Driver Constant and variable voltage programmable LED drivers and signal converters that allows for flicker-free, ripple-free, and cost-effective lighting control for indoor and outdoor environments. Street Lighting Doppler radar sensor with dynamic control by real-time traffic that allows for continuous and fully automated lighting in streets, highways, and any other areas where visibility andContinue reading “Solum Smart Lighting Solutions”

Reasons Why Going Paperless Benefits Manufacturers

Even in other types of businesses, cutting costs, saving time, and improving operations are critical to achieving growth and success. Going paperless in the manufacturing industry can provide a diverse set of benefits that can do just that. •Declutters the entire manufacturing facility – A factory piled high with unused papers is a sign ofContinue reading “Reasons Why Going Paperless Benefits Manufacturers”

Digital Price Display Technology In Your Retail Business

Implementing digital price display technology is one of the things you should definitely consider if you want to improve profitability in your retail business. Some businesses have already embraced this technology and are reaping significant benefits from it. Some of the advantages of digital price tags are listed below. First and foremost, using digital priceContinue reading “Digital Price Display Technology In Your Retail Business”

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