How can I reduce food waste?

The way we currently eat is damaging both humans and the planet, and we have to act before it’s too late. One might think that we can not do a lot about this because we all need to eat food. But we could feed more people while drastically reducing emissions and land-use caused by food.Continue reading “How can I reduce food waste?”

What are the Best Electronic Shelf labelsfor Retail in 2022?

What are the different types of ESLs? There are various types of ESL since many ESL providers have emerged throughout the years, each with their own designs depending on research and developments. The earliest ESLs had LCD-based screens, therefore their number displays were quite similar to those of calculators. Additionally, they do not offer manyContinue reading “What are the Best Electronic Shelf labelsfor Retail in 2022?”

The Benefits Of Using LED Labels In Your Business

If you are in the retail business and are looking for ways to increase your profit margin and gain an edge over your competitors, one of the things that you should consider doing is investing in LED label technology. Paper labels may be working for you just fine, but you are better off with theContinue reading “The Benefits Of Using LED Labels In Your Business”

Effect of COVID-19 on the Market for Electronic Shelf Labels Worldwide

The emergence and propagation of COVID-19 have had a significant adverse effect on the primary producers of electronic shelf labels throughout the first and second quarters of 2020. For example, Pricer (Sweden) saw a 13 percent revenue decrease during the initial quarter of the fiscal year 2020–21. Similar effects were seen on SES-(France) image tag’sContinue reading “Effect of COVID-19 on the Market for Electronic Shelf Labels Worldwide”

What is the Electronic ShelfLabel market size?

The market for electronic shelf labels is anticipated to reach USD 2,092 million by 2026 at a CAGR of 20.4 percent from an estimated USD 826 million in 2021. The retail automation solutions that allow dynamic pricing of goods in retail establishments and provide customers with a better shopping experience are electronic shelf labels. RetailersContinue reading “What is the Electronic ShelfLabel market size?”

Advantages of Electronic Shelf Labels

Electronic shelf labels are gaining popularity these days.  A lot of  businesses are switching from the traditional paper labels to the electronic labels because they have a lot of benefits. Using ESL labels in your warehouse can make your operations more efficient in various ways. First of all, electronic warehouse shelf labels can be usedContinue reading “Advantages of Electronic Shelf Labels”

The Benefits of Electronic Sign Label

If you are in retail business and are looking for tips, process and techniques that you can use to minimize costs and maximize profits in your business, one of the things you should consider is electronic sign labels. While paper labels may be doing the work, you are better off with the ESLs for theContinue reading “The Benefits of Electronic Sign Label”

How To Choose A Good Electronic Shelf Edge Label Vendor

If you have decided to switch from paper labels to electronic shelf edge label technology, you need to know what to do for this move to be successful. Electronic labels can provide a lot of benefits, including showing more information than just the price, helping you save paper and plastic and preventing showrooming. But forContinue reading “How To Choose A Good Electronic Shelf Edge Label Vendor”

The History Of Electronic Shelf Price Tags

If you still use the traditional paper labels in your retail business, it is about time you gave electronic shelf price tags a try.  The electronic labels have been around for a while, and there is actually more to them than some retailers think. If implemented properly, the electronic labels can help cut labor costs,Continue reading “The History Of Electronic Shelf Price Tags”

The Advantage Of Using Newton Color Labels In Your Retail Store

Newton color labels are quickly becoming a viable part of a ticketing strategy as retailers start implementation across many industry segments. As this technology matures and the hardware becomes more affordable, a lot of companies are taking a serious look at using the electronic shelf labels (ESLs) as part of their store promotions as wellContinue reading “The Advantage Of Using Newton Color Labels In Your Retail Store”

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