How To Choose A Good Electronic Shelf Edge Label Vendor

If you have decided to switch from paper labels to electronic shelf edge label technology, you need to know what to do for this move to be successful. Electronic labels can provide a lot of benefits, including showing more information than just the price, helping you save paper and plastic and preventing showrooming. But forContinue reading “How To Choose A Good Electronic Shelf Edge Label Vendor”

The Benefits Of newton 4 – color and 7 – color ESL

Newton 4-Color and Newton 7-Color  are probably two of the biggest milestones of SOLUM as an innovator and pioneer in the technology industry. Most ESL in the market have only 2 (black and white) to 3 (black, white, and yellow or black, white, and red) display colors. But a new contender has entered the marketContinue reading “The Benefits Of newton 4 – color and 7 – color ESL”

How Can Electronic Shelf Labels Simplify Manual Processes?

To keep things cost-effective and streamlined, many retailers have begun to gradually transition to digital processes. In this day and age, digital solutions are becoming more efficient than manual methods. This change can clearly be seen in both private and public sectors across the globe, including the retail industry. To keep things cost-effective and streamlined,Continue reading “How Can Electronic Shelf Labels Simplify Manual Processes?”

Ways Movie Theaters can Modernize their Services

To stay in business, movie theaters must upgrade their offerings, and here’s how they can accomplish it with movie theater signs. Using Digital Labels as Movie PostersMost cinemas still use large-format paper posters to advertise both current and forthcoming films. The majority of the time, these posters are displayed in glass cases with fluorescent lightingContinue reading “Ways Movie Theaters can Modernize their Services”

Things to Consider Before Buying Digital Shelf Labels

Are you considering buying digital shelf labels? You’ve taken a step in the right path since digital labels may help your retail business operate more efficiently and profitably. Many companies, especially big merchants, are already employing ESLs, and they have nothing but good things to say about them. It is an investment you will notContinue reading “Things to Consider Before Buying Digital Shelf Labels”

Electronic Shelf Label Are The Future

Your primary goal as a retailer is to please and attract your consumers. If customers want more in-store technology to assist them during their shopping experience, retailers must cater to their needs. Consumers are looking for new technology and advancements. At a survey conducted by Planet Retail, 31% of participants said ESLs are the #1Continue reading “Electronic Shelf Label Are The Future”

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